The storylines and tools have benefited from collaboration and funding support from:
Moore Project:
Science Practices: The guidance for teachers and students in Next Generation Science Storylines builds on strategies developed in the Science Practices project at Northwestern University, funded by the National Science Foundation, grant DRL 1020316.
CT New Terrain: The Connecticut Mathematics and Science Partnership grant sponsored storyline work with higher education faculty and K-12 teachers, which provided the starting drafts for several storylines on this site.
MI TESLA: The Michigan TESLA project has supported work on some of the elementary storylines available on this site.
NGSX: The Next Generation Science Exemplar System Project develops online resources to support face to face study groups of teachers, coaches, and administrators to work to bring 3D learning into science classrooms. Funding for the NGSX project has supported the development and piloting of some of these storyline tools.
Other resources
Check out these resources to support working with three-dimensional learning in K-12 classrooms:
STEM Teaching Tools: A collection of practice briefs, grounded in research, that provide guidance for supporting NGSS in classrooms and schools.
Phenomena for NGSS: A collection of phenomena that could be linked to NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas and incorporated into NGSS Storylines. Curated by the legendary T.J. McKenna.
Next Generation Science Teaching Certificate of Advanced Study at Northwestern University: A sequence of four project-based summer courses, in which participants work on developing teaching practices, curriculum materials, and assessments to reflect the goals of NGSS.